... da totalidade das coisas e dos seres, do total das coisas e dos seres, do que é objeto de todo o discurso, da totalidade das coisas concretas ou abstratas, sem faltar nenhuma, de todos os atributos e qualidades, de todas as pessoas, de todo mundo, do que é importante, do que é essencial, do que realmente conta...


Em associação com Casa Pyndahýba Editora

Ano I Número 6 - Junho 2009

Poesia - Vicente Werner y Sánchez

O Grito, Edvard Munch, 1893

Wandering Self

Fierce winds blowing in my mind,
dark emotions that sail my heart,
shattered hopes falling from my soul,
who's gonna save myself from me ...

I , my enemy , my deathliest foe,
who will ride the waves of rage ,
when all the hopes are gone ,
with the thinest winds ,
broken , shattered self , crushing in darkness,
who's the one who will care for me?


Dead symbols of future hopes ,
scars of futures where times will die ,
sinking darkness of ruined dreams ,
friend of foe .... whose of them am I for me?

Don't know .....

Foe , shattered steel of my heart,
crushed feelings from the dark line,
destiny of cursed , dammed thoughts of my soul,
excuses to hate , to be the god's fury over the world,
to live by the shiny dark death of my self.

Falling , without stop ,
hitting the end of the abyss with my heart,
dying in loneliness , bleeding for the time ,
time of loneliness , endless dimming nights of life,
solitude of the self , out there , darkness,
where's the light I'm looking for?

The Tides of gravity that made me, now fall,
images of fierce fights , of holding to life,
breaking down ,vanishing mirror shades of hope,
making myself void , hopeless ,helpless child.

And in the streams of wandering lost souls ,
I found my self in , wandering through the dark,
melting down in oceans of tears , and sadness,
knocking by the door of lifeless dreams ,
ask about who will fill your solitude..

No one is there for you....

Windy words of thunderous rage ,
cold tears of a heart filled soul,
wondering about the sense of life,
of cruelty and broken hearts .

Lightless suns lie in at your sight,
dark filled moons of despair,sorrow,
leaving away your self to hate it,
now, death will follow my friend,
you're the one that someday you hated.

Friend lost in the happening of time,
sorrow and dead have filled your eyes,
now you're lost in your darkness,
where u will find your light again?


There's no place to hope, in your world,
there's no time to look for your happiness,
now you feel dead,your eyes break in tears,
and the desire to die, grows in your mind.

You can't fight with yourself,
because It's you who wants to leave the world,
it's you who have lost the hope of joy,
darkness it's the choice of yourself,
and few lights you see fading in thy night,say,
"There's always a star that will give you its light"

You can't believe it.